Washington University (St. Louis)


John M. Olin School of Business





Year 1 - Fall Semester A


B60 5001/02S Introduction to Financial Accounting (1.5)

B63 5300/02S Professional Development Planning (0.5)

B63 5301/02S Introduction to Management and Strategy (1.5)

B64 5400/02S Managerial Economics (3.0)

B64 5410/02S Managerial Statistics (2.0)




Year 1 - Spring Semester A


B60 5002/01S Strategic Cost Analysis (1.5)

B60 501/02S   Introduction to Financial Accounting II (1.5)

B62 524/03S   Options and Futures (1.5)

B63 533/01S   Effective Managerial Communication (1.5)

B64 532/01S   Compensation and Incentives (1.5)

B67 573/01S   Operations Management in Service Indus. (1.5)




Year 2 - Fall Semester A


B60 564/01S   Auditing (3.0)

B62 500F/01S Advanced Corporate Finance – Valuation (1.5)

B64 500A/01S The Global Economy (1.5)

B64 534/01S   Econometrics and Forecasting (3.0)

B64 592/01S   Competitive Indus. Analysis and Str. Dev. (3.0)

B66 523/01S   Politics and Power in Organizations (3.0)





Year 2 - Spring Semester A


B62 500A/01S Mortgage-Backed Securities (1.5)

B63 5302/02S Strategic Management (2.0)

B65 556A/01S Services Marketing and Management (1.5)

B65 558/01S   Pricing Strategy (1.5)

B65 571A/01S Marketing Research I (1.5)







U. W. Course Work (B.A. Int’l Studies/B.A. Business Admin.)




Year 1 - Fall Semester B


B62 5200/02S Financial Management (2.0)

B63 5303/02S Integrating Case Experience (0.0)

B65 5500/02S Marketing Management (2.0)

B66 5600/02S Organizational Behavior and Design (2.0)

B66 5700/02S Operations Management (2.0)


Semester Credits = 16.5


Year 1 - Spring Semester B


B60 502/03S   Management Control Systems (1.5)

B62 500C/02S Real Options Valuation (1.5)

B62 524B/03S Derivative Securities (1.5)

B63 533B/02S Advanced Managerial Communications (1.5)

B65 579G/01S Contemporary Marketing Channels (1.5)

B66 561/02S   Negotiation and Conflict Management (1.5)


Semester Credits = 18.0


Year 2 - Fall Semester B


B60 564/01S   Auditing (0.0)

B63 534/01S   Corporate Strategy (1.5)

B64 534/01S   Econometrics and Forecasting (0.0)

B64 592/01S   Competitive Indus. Analysis and Str. Dev. (0.0)

B66 523/01S   Politics and Power in Organizations (0.0)

B67 574/01S   Info. Sys. and Decision Support Tools (1.5)


Semester Credits = 18.0



Year 2 - Spring Semester B


B62 500G/02S Advanced Corporate Finance II – Financing (1.5)

B62 526/01S   Risk Management (1.5 – Attending/Non-credit)

B62 531/01S   Venture Capital & Private Equity (1.5 - Audit)

B63 511B/01S Legal Issues at Business Stages (1.5)

B65 558B/01S Pricing Decision Making and Implementation (1.5)

B65 571C/02S Database Marketing (1.5 - Audit)

B66 562A/03S Leadership Competence (1.5)


Semester Credits = 17.0 (18.5 in attendance)

Total Graduate Credit Hours = 69.5 (Min. required = 60.0)






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